View important LIHTC Compliance forms and documents
View compliance best practices.
The development must satisfy all low income requirements for a compliance period of 15 consecutive taxable years for owners to receive the full Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). In addition, developments must adhere to a minimum Extended Use Period of an additional 15 years. Some developments may have committed to longer affordability periods as outlined in their Land Use Restriction Agreement (LURA). NIFA is responsible for monitoring compliance with the requirements of Internal Revenue Code (IRC) §42 for LIHTC developments in Nebraska. NIFA performs desk audits, inspects housing, and reviews tenant files. When we identify noncompliance or a disposition of a building, NIFA is required to notify the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) during the initial 15-year compliance period using Form 8823, Low Income Housing Credit Agencies Report of Noncompliance or Building Disposition.
NIFA will perform a desk audit, conduct a site visit, or review the owner's tenant files and provide the owner with a summary report of the findings. If the report indicates noncompliance, the owner is expected to respond to NIFA within 60 days from the date of NIFA's letter to provide clarification or document that the issues of noncompliance have been addressed and corrected.
If the owner is reported as out of compliance, the IRS sends a notification letter to the owner identifying the type of noncompliance reported on Form 8823. The notification letter also states that the owner should not include any nonqualified low income housing units when computing the LIHTC under IRC §42 and that the noncompliance may result in the recapture of previously claimed credits. The notification letter also instructs the owner to contact the state agency to resolve the issue.
Once the noncompliance is resolved, NIFA will file a corrected (back in compliance) Form 8823.
Owners receiving LIHTC in 1990 or later years must continue to maintain the low income occupancy of their developments for an additional 15+ years beyond the end of the 15-year compliance period. Developments should reference their Land Use Restriction Agreement (LURA) for any commitment made to a longer Extended Use Period. Owners committing compliance violations may be subject to administrative and judicial sanctions pursuant to remedies afforded NIFA in the LIHTC LURA.
Each year, NIFA offers a LIHTC Compliance Training event!
This annual LIHTC Compliance Training is a comprehensive course specifically designed to assist affordable housing professionals with becoming skilled in project compliance. The course is customized to highlight Nebraska state specific policies and procedures in addition to federal requirements.
In order to receive points on the LIHTC application you must attend the Compliance Training.
Contact if you have any questions.