The State of Nebraska will be soliciting public comments from October 6, 2023 through October 24, 2023 regarding an application for Pathways to Removing Obstacles Housing (PRO Housing) funding through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
The State of Nebraska is applying to request $10,000,000 in funding to further develop, evaluate, and implement housing policy plans, improve housing strategies, and facilitate affordable housing production and preservation. The application will describe the manner in which funding will be used for the production and preservation of affordable housing in Nebraska and to meet national and state objectives. The application will also cover project timeline, eligible activities, project implementation, and other criteria.
DED will solicit public comments from October 6, 2023 through October 24, 2023 at 5:00pm (Central). A public hearing will be conducted Wednesday, October 11, 2023 – 10:00am (Central).
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Nebraska Investment Finance Authority
1230 O Street, Suite 200
Lincoln, NE 68508
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An electronic copy of the application will be made available to the public on this website starting October 6, 2023. Copies of the application will be available at the in-person public hearing and may be obtained by contacting Lori Cole, DED Office Manager, by email at or phone at 800-426-6505 or 402-471-3746.